Thursday, January 8, 2009

How on Earth can I do Both?

So, I know everyone is going through withdrawals to read my blog again. What is my problem? Well my problem is this blasted thing called facebook! I have finally started using it after setting up an account almost a year ago. And you know what? I like it! This is a problem because I have become a time-waster as of late and it's mainly due to the computer. If I calculated the hours a week I spend at the computer..facebooking, blogging, searching recipes, emails, primary stuff, etc...I am sure I would have my entire house cleaned with a Q-tip. Well, okay that is a slight exaggeration. I guess I know that answer to my question. It is found in the scriptures under Balance, Temperance, Moderation and oh yes...Self Mastery! Maybe this should be a New Year's resolution. I'll think about it after I blog and facebook!

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

I am so with you here. Love the 'book.