Monday, August 23, 2010

School's in Session...

I know I say this every year but I can't believe how fast the summer goes. The kids started school today. I was quite proud of myself..only a few tears shed as I drove Zach to his first day of High School. I didn't even get choked up as I waited outside Connor's school and watched him line up with his new class. I am usually a mess. I don't know what happened today. Maybe I am more ready for them to go back than I thought. I started the morning off early..a 6am power walk with a few girls from the neighborhood. It was DARK outside. UGH! The ONLY thing I hate about the season changing. Getting up in the dark to exercise is grueling. Each of the kids were happy about their first day. That was a relief! They all had friends in their classes and aside from the $186 worth of checks I had to write out for "school fees", it was a good day for all.