Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I think most of us put off the things that we hate most to do. Well at least I do. This morning I finally made a trip to the dentist. As I sat in the chair, I told the receptionist "Well, I think it's been awhile! About a year I think." she replied, "Actually it's been two." Wow! Does time really go that fast? or do I just really hate going to the dentist? I suppose a little of both. Well as of today..it's one less thing on my "to-do" list. Yesterday, I was going through my planner, where I write a "to-do" list each day and noticed that each day last week, I (for the most part)accomplished the day's task. With the exception of one. Cleaning the "yellow" bathroom. (Yes, since we live in an older home, we have a "blue" bathroom and a "yellow" bathroom. And not a "cute" color of either. In fact, I often hear Connor after he has pooped and needs a wipe hollering "Mom! I'm in the 'blue' bathroom or the 'yellow' one!" )

Anyway, back to my point...The task of cleaning the "yellow" bathroom made its way to the next day and then the next..and so on and so on....Well, at the start of this week, that bathroom had made it's way to Monday's list of tasks as well. Come on Kristen just bear down and get it done! Well, I DID IT! It was such a good feeling to get it done. So now I am thinking it would be wise for me to take the thing I hate doing the most and do it first! This is my new goal for the week.

I made this decision today, after I took a huge pack of hamburger out of the fridge that had been sitting there for days needing to be separated and put in freezer bags. I hate doing this by the way and therefore, this too had been shoved to next day's list...Well, I DID IT TODAY!

Here are a few things that I hate to do but am going to try harder to let them only stay on my "to-do" list for only one day.

1. Cleaning my bathrooms

2. Visiting Teaching (okay so I don't hate it)

3. Cleaning out my fridge.

4. Ironing.

5. Getting my oil changed.

6. Washing the bedding.

7. Buying new underwear.


Amy said...

Hey, i'm just impressed that you have a to-do list every day! I think I'm going to start doing that. Now that the kids are in school, I find myself with more time. If I had a to-do list, I'm sure I'd get a lot more done! Thanks for the motivational speech.

Kate said...

You are so good at getting things done... I always think of you when my house is a mess and I need to clean it... you are a great example!

The Ringleader said...

What do you do when the first item on your to do list is make a to do list. That's how life has been lately. I definitely need your more organized approach. Things would definitely run smoother. I too have those tasks that are pure drudgery and I keep putting them off. I just might try doing them first...right after I make my to do list.

Brooke said...

Funny, I also don't like doing most of those things. Cleaning my basement bathroom is numero uno. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the only people who go in there are under 9 years old. Six year old boys are messy!!!!

Matthew McLelland said...

Things I hate to do:

1) Check my Voicemail
2) Make my Bed
3) Pick up my clothes
4) Unload the Dishwasher
5) Fold Laundry
6) Take out the Garbage ( I was burned out on this by the time I was 8)

Things I love to do:

1) Read my sisters blogs
2) Get phone calls from my sisters
3) Talk about my sisters to my friends
4) Think about how the girl I choose to marry will be like many of the qualities of my sisters

I love you Kristen

Tara said...

ahhh....I have to comment on Matt's comment. That just made me get a little choked up bro. Aren't we lucky to have a brother that is not afraid to express his love to his sisters??
as far as your lists...you have always been good at that. I guess that is another good thing we learned from mom huh?
nothing feels better than a freshly cleaned bathroom! and clean sheets I might add. The thing is too, that it never takes as long as you think and then after I am always like, "why did I put that off?"
love ya.

Amy said...

I am ALIVE! I just had to laugh as I read your post. I feel this had been my life the past few weeks(months)I have made a goal to start this week different. Organize myself better. Infact I am going to post about it. FINALLY. Like Tara said, you have always been good at the list thing. I love that about you. Keep up the good work. I love you!