There we go..that's more like it! This time it's a Bull. (notice I've got the correct terminology)
Notice the head he's packing around..
and yes, I believe that's a leg!
So, while I have been home cleaning the house, doing yardwork, making trips to Costco and grocery store, taking the boys clothes shopping (complete torture), balancing the checkbook, shopping at D.I. for halloween apparel, PTA meetings, doctor appts, and did I mention cleaning the house? My darling husband has been out doing THIS!!! and you know what? I couldn't be happier. He is so good to let me do what ever I want without complaint. He is never resentful of me having "my time". He works hard going to work every day from 6am to 6pm (pretty much) and although I can't figure out why on earth this would be appealing to anyone..I mean spending nearly a full day cutting up the animal that you just inhumanely shot and killed, into small enough parts that you can pack it off the mountain-with several trips I might add. But thank goodness it is appealing to him because he comes home happier and healthier and with a little more enthusiasm in his step! I love you Big Al and welcome home!
Congrats on the kill! You obviously weren't affected by watching Bambi as a child. j/k I'm just glad all of the hunting DVD's paid off. Good job! You deserve some playtime!
Way to go Al! Rich was a little jealous that he couldn't go - he says he's going to go next year, but I think a part of him feels bad for killing helpless animals. :)
That kinda makes me sick to my stomach. I am happy for him that he has so much fun doing "THAT" I think i would rather be home doing everything that your doing. Love ya!
I love the big grin on Alan's face! That is truly a man's man you have there! What a hunter and gatherer. At least you know if it came down to it, you wouldn't starve to death! He has some good skills!
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