Sunday, November 25, 2007

Families are Forever...

I know we all find comfort in these three words but there are days when I really have say..."Do I really have to deal with these kids for an eternity?" Let me explain. Getting ourselves out the door for church each week is quite a feat when we start at 9am. Well, getting ourselves back home from church has proved to be the more difficult task these days. No matter how simple we try to make it...(everyone meet at the exact same spot each week after church) never seems to happen. Today was no exception. After rounding up the gang, Connor caught wind that Noah and his friend were walking home from church and of course he wanted to join them. We knew that would not be a good idea so we told him "no". Well that didn't fly. He threw a major hissy fit in the hall, kicking and screaming and calling his dad an "idiot". One of kids from a more "righteous" family turned to him and said "hey..that's a swear word at our house!" So, while Alan is dealing with him, Abby has decided to take this opportunity to show her independence and insists on walking by herself all the way to the car. I picked her up kicking and screaming and put her in the car along with another kicking and screaming child who by now was saying he "hates us!" Alan and I both looked at each other like... "and our family is supposed to be better from going to church?" After arriving home it was child abuse time. That consisted of Alan and I holding Connor down and putting tabasco sauce in his mouth. I felt kind of bad but not really! He was then sent to his room where he proceeded to scream more obscenities at us. (These included more of I hate you's..shut ups and an occasional you idiot!) So back upstairs for more tabasco! Back down to his room and then back up for this time..cucumber melon flavored soap! (obviously the tabasco wasn't working!) Well after about 45 min of this, he finally conked out and went to sleep. He woke up an hour later and said "the bad Connor had gone away and the good Connor was back!" So, as much as I love my darling family pictured above, there are days when I wonder if I can really endure this for an eternity!
There, I have just "aired my dirty laundry" for the week! Just in case you were thinking we were PERFECT! ha ha


Thierry said...

That is so funny... It is refreshing to know that each family has problems... even the "more righteous" family! :) Those are darling pictures! How can you possibly be upset with Connor... just look at that photo! Those tacos sounded amazing by the way!

go boo boo said...

At least your pictures are perfect! They are so cute. My boys' arguments are getting there, I can't wait for the "you idiot" and worse days.

Anna-Marie said...

I love your story, it made me laugh! I'm glad to know that my family and feelings are somewhat normal!

Brooke said...

Once again, your family pictures look awesome! We need to get a family picture done soooo bad! Conner is a little spitfire huh?! He makes me laugh! The things he comes up with to say! He is very entertaining, even if he is frustrating for you.

Micaela said...

You had me laughing with that story because I think everyone has been there. Adorable little family. They are a great mix of the two of you! Super cute! Thanks for visiting BTY!

Tara said...

I haven't checked blogs for awhile...the pictures are so cute! Do I get one for Christmas?? I agree with your can you get mad at Connor? He is sooo dang cute! (I know, easy for me to say)

Stephanie said...

What a cute family picture,you all look great. Connor is hilarious, the stories you post about him always make me laugh. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Tara said...

hey, where is a pic of Abby? didn't you get any of her alone???