As a young girl, I don't remember my mom "hanging out" with friends. She seemed like such a "mom" to me and "moms" just didn't do that. Well, either times have changed or I haven't started to act like a "real mom" yet. I often think about the wonderful friends I have in my life. I feel so blessed to have so many. They all have such unique personalities that have truly helped to shape me into who I have become and still want to become. Every close friendship that I have is an influence for good. Some friends help me to become more spiritual, some to be less critical, some to laugh a little more, some to be a better homemaker, some to be a better listener, some to serve more and all of them help me to be a better mother! (If you're reading this and trying to figure out which friend you are...don't!) I honestly don't know how you get through this difficult yet beautiful life without friends to share in your sorrows as well as your joys. I am just grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with such great friendships that I know will last a lifetime! I hope I can always be deserving of this wonderful blessing.
Now enough of the mushy stuff..did you guys have a great weekend? Because I sure did!!!
I hope they all had fun at the cabin. I miss that place so..much. Doesn't it just have a great peace about it? They are happy to share it with great people, who enjoy it as much as we do! I think we need to have a sister trip there. I love you!
Just found your blog . . . I don't remember my mom ever hanging out with other women, but I sure love my friends. Even just getting together for playdates is totally therapeutic for me!
Thanks for the fabulous escape from life!! Girl bonding is truly sacred! Thanks for making it all happen. You are a great friend to us too!!
amen! I had such a great time--- the only bummer is it was too short! Can't wait until the next time. Thanks for being a great friend... you are all those things to me.
The cabin is such a fun place to go. We are so glad that you enjoyed it. It is so fun to have good friends to be around and to make memories with. What a great escape...
Got to love a girls weekend. Thanks for introducing me to all your fun friends and for being such a priceless one yourself. Okay, how sad is it that I take up 90% of that picture?
Okay, not Andy. Tausha. What is going on?
oh tausha we know you like to be the CENTER of attention!! JK someone had to be in that spot and thank goodness it was you because you look fab!
your blog looks the decor. looks like you girls had a great time. I love that cabin. we need a sister trip there!
Thanks again for the great weekend! That was funny, I was trying to figure out which friend I was! Ha Ha! My mom didn't hang out with friends while I was growing up either. She still doesn't. I feel very lucky and blessed to have such great friends!
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