Tuesday, January 22, 2008

3 Things...

1. My girl is a DRAMA QUEEN! She gets upset and says
"I sad mom! I cry!"

2. If you haven't see "Dan in Real Life" GO SEE IT!

3. I have a hair appointment on THURSDAY!!!!


Brooke said...

I guess you like Dan In Real Life? I want to go see it! Abbie is such a doll! I can't believe how natural it is for girls to be drama queens. I'm very scared for 13. I surely wasn't that way growing up, was I?

Kristen said...

my nickname was "bawl baby titty boob!" among others. i guess that means i cried a lot!

Amy said...

Abby is so....cute! Send her my way when she cries, I have a housefull of "bawl baby titty boobs"! That is so funny, I just called Gracie that the other day!

Stephanie said...

Abby is so cute.. Amy told me what she did with your make-up. I wish that you would have taken a picture. By the way how did your hair turn out?