Thursday, February 14, 2008

Friends Again!

Just thought I'd do a quick post to let you all know that Abby and I are friends again! I needed a quick reality check on parenting and it has really helped. Afterall, I am the mom, right? For as much as she drives me nuts, she brings me more happiness. Thanks for all your kind words of support. It really helped. She is actually screaming right now as I am writing this. I have to remember one of my favorite sayings in parenthood "this too shall pass!"


Amy said...

That is such a darling picture! Treasure that one....I know I have been tagged, I will do it tomorrow...I have been busy with Oprah and all:)

Kate said...

That is a really sweet picture.. you both are so cute!

Tara said...

cute haircut on forgot to tell me that you cut it! ha ha
I too, will respond to the tag but first I have a couple of special blogs coming up in the next 2 days.....

go boo boo said...

That is the cutest freaking picture. (sorry for the Utah swear, I couldn't resist)