Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Terrible Two's? That's an UNDERSTATEMENT!

I am warning you upfront..this is going to be a very negative post. However, it is written out of desperation and frustration. For those of you who know me, I am very honest. (too honest most of the time! ie. do people really need to know when I am constipated?) I do not place my children on a pedastal. I do not pretend they are perfect. Well I am going to "let the cat out of the bag" and announce to you all that my beautiful 2 yr old "princess" has suddenly turned into the "wicked witch of the north, south, east AND west"! First of all, before I elaborate, I will admit that she definitely "has my number"! I realize this and could probably tell any of YOU how to handle the situation according to Super Nanny or Dr. Laura, etc. But for some reason, it is harder to be objective when it is your own kids and lately, all I want to do is sit in a corner and cry. Let me begin. She freaks out if I sing! (unless she is asking me to) She won't even let me sing in church. She says "Don't sing mom!" She will not eat off any plate other than a pink one. She will only use a spoon, not a fork. She goes nuts if there is a hair on her. She thinks any sort of lint or string that is black is a SPIDER and goes balistic! She throws herself down in the hall of church and screams the second we walk through the doors. She insists on walking through a parking lot HERSELF! Even if it's covered in ice. She won't take a nap. She screams for a good half hour at night at bedtime. She won't eat ANY vegetables and not much else of nutritional value. She insists on eating string cheese and then just shreds it up and places it all over the house. (found it in my shower this morning) She screams when I drop Connor off at school because she wants to go to "her school". She smears her food all over herself, including her hair, at each meal. She screams all through sacrament meeting. She screams when she sees Zach passing the sacrament because she wants him. She won't wear certain outfits. She floods the bathroom with every bath. She won't let me blow-dry her hair (okay I will cut her slack on that one) She won't ride in the front of the cart-only the back and then insists on standing up. I could go on and but do you get the picture? When I am at home I rarely cave in to all her demands. Time out has started to really work. However, when I am in public it is a different matter. I know I need to leave the store, don't try to go to lunch, pull over the car if needed when she is having a hissy fit, etc. I know all these things and really do try hard to do them but sometimes it's just not realistic. For example, do I quit going to church? Obviously whatever I am doing is not working. Now let me tell you all that I love this girl to death just in case you are getting the wrong idea here but I am really starting to want her to "grow up" so she will grow out of this stage and that makes me SO sad! Any advice?


Kate said...

Wow! I am on the other hand... I don't want AJ to grow up- because I am a little worried that I call her 'Princess' and she is the Princess of our house that she will be the same way! So sorry!

Thierry said...

I laughed through your whole post! Sorry! I have absolutely no advice... you are far more of an expert than I, but I just wanted to let you know that I feel for you. She is so adorable, and I can also tell that she is a handful... aren't you glad that you only have one like her! :) Let me know if I can ever watch her for you while you go to the store or whatever... seriously.

Kristen said...

um...that is so funny thierry! because the rest of my fellow bloggers know that I have 4 children just like her. or at least they have all taken their turns. i never did get an easy one. you just haven't known my kids long enough!! (when they were little that is)

Anonymous said...

Hey there! It's Wendy, Tara's friend. Thanks for visiting my blog. It's been fun blogging but I don't get around to updating enough. To answer your question, I get my bog "how-to" from http://www.sjhblogdesign.blogspot.com/
It has lots of good info!

The Ringleader said...

First let me say, you are not alone. It's a horrible feeling when you love them so much, but don't want to be within 20ft of them when they are monsters. I have often thought about putting my kids on ebay. Someone once told me that when they act like this, you just need to love them more. HA! I don't have a magic wand...but my advice would be set your limits and back them up. One strike you are out. It's difficult in public, but do your best. It's hard because you suffer too if it means you have to leave the grocery store or lunch date early. Just know that it's a stage and hopefully it will get better. Feel free to call if you need a time out or moral support.

Tausha said...

Weren't you the one that told me to know your limits? Try not to do so much? Ha, Ha. I love the table being turned here! She is a perfect angel at my house. Never does anything wrong and I love her, maybe we should just trade daughters for a while. So, with Evie when she was throwing a hissy fit in church the other day I took her out to a classroom and made her sit on a chair. Horrible experience. During family home evening Andy and I did a reinactment of our kids in church. We told them to pretend they were watching their favorite show but it wasn't very loud and then we came in to the room screaming and hitting, jumping up and down, chasing each other all around their chairs. It was hillarious, they totally laughed. We then told them that they could be good in church or practice being good in church when we got home. they agreed to be good, but we haven't gotten to try it out yet. We'll see, maybe I can bring some slim jims to help out. Anyway, it is fun to blog again, I hope I have more boring nights at work. Good LUck!

Shiela Campbell said...


Amy said...

Mine does the same thing, but she is 9yrs old. It looks like I HAVE THE PROBLEM!!!!!!

Tara said...

maybe you should just try ONE MORE TIME, and you might get an easy kid! just kidding. My only advice is thinking back to that LOve & Logic class that we took. Remember the first rule is : NO ANGER
Do whatever you have to do to not get angry but not put up with it. I think she knows that she can control you...or tries to anyway. Like the pink plate and the no singing....she just wants the power. Don't worry, maybe she will grow up to be like Hillary Clinton!
No, seriously, just know that "this too shall pass" but in the meantime, just keep sticking to your guns on certain things that she is just unreasonable about. Like you said though, it is much harder in public. Try using the SECRET.....and just repeat over and over..."my daughter is an obedient angel...my daughter is an obedient angel....my daughter.....

Brooke said...

Good luck with the two's. I think Heavenly Father knew we had to love our kids as much as we do, or else half of the population wouldn't make to adulthood. Wow, that sounded harsh, huh? You have been given hard kids. That just means that Heavenly Father knew you were strong enough to handle it. You're a great mom and you always give good advice! Make sure you write all of this down so you can tell her when she is older!