Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Brooke (Tomorrow)

This is a tribute to one beautiful, sexy, cut, fit and super duper strong girl and no it's not the gal on the right (hard to tell I know) This is a tribute to you, Brooke! I am so grateful to know you. There are so many things I love about you. I know I can talk to you about anything without feeling the least bit judged. You are a great listener. I appreciate that you are easy going especially since I am not. I love that you never seem put out to watch my kids and often offer before I even need to ask. You are so determined. You quietly set your mind to something and then proceed to accomplish it with amazing results without a lot of fanfare. You laugh at everything I say which makes me feel really good inside! You love my kids (or at least pretend to.) You have an amazing memory which is especially impressive to me since I have none. Most of all, I know that you are a constant in my life. Someone I know I can always call, always rely on if needed and always lift me up. I admire you in so many ways and know that our friendship will be lifelong. Hope your day is a special one!


The Ringleader said...

May I echo the fine words of Kristen and raise a glass to Brooke on her big day! We love you and are so glad that you were born!

Tara said...

I am so glad that my sister has such a good friend in you. I know she really loves you!

Brooke said...

WOW! Thanks Kristen! I obviously haven't blogged for awhile. I had a great birthday. It was one of those years where you truly feel loved. I loved going for the pedicure, the movie and dinner! Thanks for making it such a special week. Thanks for all of the nice things you had to say about me. You have been such a terrific friend since the first time I met you! I feel so blessed to have such great friends.