Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Are you like me and whenever you see a recipe that calls for white wine you skip right over it no matter how good it looks? For some reason the idea of having to make a trip to the liquor store seems quite intimidating and a little scarey. Call me sheltered if you will but I don't even know where the nearest liquor store is let alone what kind of "white wine" to buy for cooking purposes. Today I was emailed by a good friend from back home in Michigan. She sent me a (what appears to be) a yummy recipe for chicken that she makes quite often. It seems I have heard that cooking wine is not the same thing and will not give you what you are hoping to achieve in a recipe. I checked on the internet and one site said to try white grape juice. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?


go boo boo said...

I used to cook with wine all of the time, I had no issues buying it, but I lived in California where you just buy it at the grocery store. Then I moved to Tulsa where they didn't have liquor at all in the grocery stores, and I just fell out of habit. Actually today I wish I had it, for some onions in a soup. When I really need I send Andy to the liquor store. I haven't done that in a long time though. But now all of the brownie recipe I come across have espresso or coffee in them, and I pass over those, so I totally understand. I really think you can use a stock or water to replace, unless you are accustomed to the taste or something.

P.S. The code only works for up to $10, so don't worry about it, or call them/email them, and they added it onto my ELF order (I forgot originally too)

Amy said...

Go for the wine! I think the bottles are very pretty.

Kristen said...

the problem is i only need 2 cups what do i do with the rest???

Amy said...

find more recipes or drink it!!!!!
just tell your bishop that you didn't want to waste it!

Kristen said...

that's not a bad idea!!

Brooke said...

Don't drink it by yourself, invite us over for a party!! I love the flavor of a dish that was cooked with wine. However, I am like you. I am too chicken, insecure, whatever to go to the liquor store. Maybe we can share a bottle somehow. We could to support eachother and go buy a bottle together! There's a liquor store on Highland and about 2300 S. I noticed it because people were lined up outside of it one morning waiting for it to open. It made me laugh.

The Ringleader said...

I will go buy your wine. It didn't stop me from buying beer for a potroast when I was 6 months pregnant, so it shouldn't stop me now. Maybe you could wear a t-shirt that says, "I'm just cooking with it."

Amy said...

LOVE the t-shirt idea.

Kristen said...

okay it took me a minute to figure out who "ringleader" is...hi april..that doesn't surprise me that you would go!! esp pregnant! i do like the t-shirt idea! my fear is that someone i know would see me coming out the door with my brown sack. i guess that's what we get for judging others though, huh!for now i will try the grape juice and let everyone know how it turns out!

doezie10 said...

You can buy 1/2 bottles of wine... then there's no waste!

Tausha said...

I hear that wine ages well. :) I am sure if you didn't use it all today you could just keep it in the cupboard for a rainy day. Is that true? I took my kids into a liqour store with me once. We bought some sherry. The sales clerk was very good at helping me find which would be best. It was a good experience, ya know, breaking out of the comfort zone thing again.