Sunday, October 28, 2007

And I wonder why I feel FAT...

I am cursing Alan's dad right now for giving me bags of fresh apples picked from their trees. They happen to grow the BEST apples! Well, since then, an apple pie has been calling my name. This is the reason that I curse his dad. (not really) Growing up, I hated fruit oriented desserts. (cobblers, pies, apple crisp, etc.) They always seemed like "old lady" desserts. Well, I guess I have become an old lady because I would now almost always pick pie over cake. Alan's dad is quite the pie maker and a few years ago I wanted to challenge myself to learn to make pie and I have to admit, I succeeded. It is Sunday afternoon and afterall, what is Sunday without a yummy dessert? So I have been in the kitchen the past hour making an apple pie. Considering I ate half of a HUGE piece of Mud Pie last night on our double date with Katie and Josh and today will be indulging myself in a rather large piece of apple is no wonder that I feel I am busting out of my jeans! All of my efforts to go to the gym this past month are not paying off and my lack of self control in the area of food is the reason. Why can't I be like Brooke and be satisfied with only a sliver? Should I wait until after the holidays to begin to restrain myself or should I use the upcoming holiday season to learn some self control?
p.s Abby laid in her crib for over 2 hours attempting to take a nap this afternoon. She never cried..just hollered out a few times for a drink or to tell me she pooped. I finally conceeded and got her up and she said "nice nap mom!" She is so funny!


go boo boo said...

Yum! I would totally take pie over cake. If it didn't make me eat it all, I would insist on a pie making demonstration!

Stephanie said...

Kristen that pie looks delicious!! I am a huge pie fan but I have to admit I love cake just as much, especially if it is loaded with frosting.

The Ringleader said...

will you teach me how to make a pie? i am always intimidated by the crust. i am so impressed martha stewart! by the way, we are waging the nap war at our house too. i finally told grace if she didn't want to sleep, she could just lay there with her eyes closed. HA! it kind of worked.

Tara said...

oh boy... I am really in the mood for apple pie now! 2 Thanksgivings ago was my first attempt at making one...remember I called you about 10 times in the process??? It wasn't as good as yours, but it hit the spot.

Amy said...

Yummy! Could you mail me one please?

Kate said...

I am going to come over and learn how to make it... yum! Yum!

Brooke said...

Abby is so funny! Okay, I really want to taste one of your pies one day. I have seen some of the pies you've made before, but never tasted one. You are a great pie maker, How do you get your crust to look so great?